Leadership Team

Leadership Team

U-TuRN is guided by a team of faculty that each lead (or contribute to) one of the four interdisciplinary teams linked the U-TuRN. They each are also involved in one or more U-TuRN Projects and share a commitment to the overall goals and vision of the network. The team embraces principles of Team Science and can collectively be reached through our shared email account: uturn_teamscience@iastate.edu

Team Leader
Gregory Welk gwelk@iastate.edu

U-TuRN PI; Barbara E. Forker Professor, Kinesiology

Alison Phillips alisonp@iastate.edu

Leader: Team 2, Associate Professor, Psychology

Ashley Scudder ascudder@iastate.edu

Leader: Team 1; Research Affiliate with Partnership for Prevention Science Institute

Carl Weems cweems@iastate.edu

U-TuRN Co-PI; Professor and Chair, Human Development and Family Studies

Christopher Seeger cjseeger@iastate.edu

Leader: Team 3; Extension Landscape Architect

Constance Beecher cbeecher@iastate.edu

Leader: Team 4; Associate Professor/ Family Literacy Extension State Specialist 

Michael Dorneich dorneich@iastate.edu

Leader: Team 3; Associate Professor, Industrial Engineering

Nick Lamoureux lamoureuxn@unk.edu

University of Nebraska – Kearny